Facebook Insights updates

Read the latest Facebook Insights API updates and how they impact your reports

On March 2024, Facebook removed the following fields from its API:

  • Page likes gender

  • Like/unlike source

  • Page likes gender

  • Page likes age

  • Page followers gender

  • Page followers age

  • Page Engaged Users

  • page places checkin mobile

  • Page places checkin mobile unique

  • Page unique views logged-in

  • Feedback type

  • Page tab

What's next?

We know demographics and geographic data is useful for your reports.

If you have been using Porter for a while, we store your historical data so you can keep it. Demographics and Geographics data hardly change over time, so it will be useful.

We're paying attention every day to know if there's a turnaround or an update on behalf of Facebook to bring these fields again. If they do, we'll update asap.

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