How to fix LinkedIn pages discrepancies on Looker Studio

strategies for resolving discrepancies in LinkedIn page data within Looker Studio.

Understanding “LindedIn pages” Connector

The "Linkedin Pages Connector”  from Porter Metrics is a tool designed to analyze Linkedin organic data. With  over 300 data fields, it covers audience demographics, engagement metrics, ad performance and more.

It has separate “API tables”; you can’t combine all the metrics among them.

Check out our Linkedin field list

Disconnection, deauthorization, or missing permissions 

Issues such as disconnection, deauthorization, or missing permissions are common occurrences. Additionally, the connector might disconnect from the data source, requiring a reconnection.

Follow this tutorial for reconnection:

Follow this tutorial for re-authorization:

If the data you're visualizing it's not the same as your company data, make sure the account you connected to is the same as the one you want to visualize.

Important note: If the password of the business account was recently changed or permissions were removed your reports will be affected and you won't be able to visualize the data.
Remember to always double check your role status!

Posts values giving 0

A common error on LinkedIn pages is that we might see the value of posts as 0; this is because they are ads and not organic. The reason we see an ad in the organic section is due to how you advertised it. If it was from the feed and you promoted it, you will see it within your organic report but without data. 

The way to fix this error is by creating a filter for values that give 0 and removing them from your table.

Combination error

Currently, all social media platforms have limitations regarding personal data, due to the privacy policies being enforced. Therefore, in order to view data such as role, city, gender, age, industry with impressions or reach, LinkedIn will only provide it to us when it occurs within their network.

For example, it will give us total impressions, clicks, engagement, total followers, but it will never break down the more personal information.

For breakdown by country, we can see the following combinations: Clicks by country, impressions by country, reach by country.

We won't be able to see results to view metrics that speak to a specific audience.

Missing Data

A not so common error is when your report is missing data. This can happen because Linkedin did not collect data for a period of time or it didn't send the information through the  API to our connector. So if you create a time series graph with reach and see that you have data holes, you know that your report is having a missing data issue.

In this case you will have to report this to us and request a backfill

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