Images are not showing on my Looker Studio dashboard: how to fix it?

Learn to display (and troubleshoot) images on your Looker Studio dashboards.

There are 4 possible ways to fix your images when are not displayed on your reports, let's see and learn how to fix each one:

To have in mind

  • These procedures are appliable to all our connectors

  • If the issue persists after all these practices, surely it's something we need to check closer, so don't hesitate on letting us know!

  • Sometimes Looker Studio does not show images even when

Images fields are not showing in your Looker Studio report

Sometimes Looker Studio deactivates these fields randomly, what we need to do is active them

  1. Go to option "Resources"

  2. Click on "Manage added data sources"

  3. Select the data source with the issue and click "Edit"

  4. This will lead you to the fields list, once there, on the search bar type "Image"

  5. If any image field has a clearer color is deactivated, you should click on the 3 dots you have aside

  6. Click on the last option "Show"

  7. Click on "Done" then search the image field between the dimensions list, it should be available

You need to convert the URL field to an Image

Sometimes once selected the "Image" field Looker Studio sets it up as a URL instead of an Image by default, we need to tell Looker Studio to display it as an Image

  1. First, we need to select the chart

  2. Then click on the little pencil Icon you see beside the dimension name

  3. Place yourself in the dropdown for "Data Type" and click

  4. Then select the option "Image"

  5. After selecting the option "Image" Images should be displaying

Turn the Ad/Image URL using a Looker Studio formula

Sometimes once selected the "Image" field Looker Studio sets it up as a URL instead of an Image by default, we need to tell Looker Studio to display it as an Image using the formula IMAGE

  1. First, go to your dashboard, place yourself in the right-side panel

  2. Click on "Ad dimension"

  3. Then Click on "Create field"

  4. Place yourself in the blank space and type the word "IMAGE( )"

  5. Select the IMAGE option

  6. Click between both parenthesis to type the name of the dimension you want to change the format, in this case, "Ad image"

  7. The green check means the formula is correctly created

  8. Click Apply, after Images should be displaying

Refresh the schema fields

  1. First, go to the option "Resource" under the name of the report

  2. Then "Manage Added data sources"

  3. Select the source with the issue and click "Edit"

  4. On the fields list go to the lower left corner and click the button "Refresh fields"

  5. Wait a few seconds until it loads

  6. "Apply changes" then click "Continue"

  7. Click "Done"

Here you can access the complete guide in case you feel a little bit lost

Access the guide

If after all of these workarounds images keep failing, try one last thing:

  1. Go to your report and select a previous period to validate if images are displayed until a certain date

  2. Or

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