How to create Filters (Demographic, Campaign, Placement) - Facebook Ads

Data Studio allows marketers to filter and breakdown data to visualize and quickly find specific data.

Facebook Ads breakdowns and filters:

When analyzing your Facebook Ads performance, it's essential to keep in mind the different types of breakdowns and filters that are available. These include:

Campaigns, ad sets, and ad creatives:

It will show you how each campaign, ad set, and ad creative is performing. This can help you determine which ones are most effective so that you can focus your efforts on those.

Check the template below, it’s for free and can help you to have a complete overview of your campaigns:

Check this Free Facebook Ads report template for marketers and agencies!


This filter allows you to see how your ads are performing at different times of day or week. This is useful for determining when your target audience is most active.

Device and placement:

This filter allows you to see how your ads are performing on different devices (phone, tablet, computer) and in different placements (newsfeed, sidebar, Instagram). This is useful for determining where your ads are most effective.

Geographic and demographics:

This filter allows you to see how your ads are performing in different geographic locations and to different demographics (age, gender, interests). This is useful for determining where your target audience is most active.

On Porter Metrics we have a great report template that breaks down your Facebook Ads data by device, placement, geography, and demographics. Take a look:

You can use this template for free. Make a copy of the report!

If you want to get to know more about how to create a filter or control in Google Data Studio, please refer to this article or watch this Google Data Studio tutorial. You will be able to get everything you need to know about filters and controls. In 6 minutes, you will learn:

1. How to clean your data
2. Use dropdown lists
3. Search Bar
4. Date Range Control
5. Internal Filters

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