How to connect Instagram Competitors to Google Data Studio with Porter

Learn to automate your Instagram Competitors (aka Instagram Public Data) on Google Data Studio in a few clicks.

To connect Instagram Competitors to Data Studio, access the connector.

You can also find it in the Data Studio connectors gallery.

First, authorize with your Google account, Make sure that you're logging in with the same Google account you're currently using on Data Studio.

Then, you'll log in with a Facebook profile. to use Instagram Competitors (aka Instagram Public Data), the Facebook personal profile should have access to at least one Instagram Business account.

Once connected, you'll see this view with options like reading this setup guide, scheduling a support call, and seeing the profile and Porter account you used to connect.

Unlike most Google Data Studio connectors, with Instagram Insights you can create two separate types of connections: Instagram Business accounts or hashtags.

With Hashtag search, you can create a report for specific hashtags; with Profile search, you can create reports for any Instagram Business profile data.

For this exercise, we'll start with a profile search and click on Next.

Once you choose Profile search, you'll be shown a textbox where you can add the usernames of the Instagram Business accounts that you want to track.

To find the Instagram usernames, use the text that goes along with the at (@) of a profile.

You can list multiple Instagram Business accounts by separating them by commas.

To finish your connection, click on Add (or connect).

If you used the link to the Instagram Public Data connector, you'll automatically load a default report template. If not, you'll start with a blank report.

If you want to add a hashtag analysis to your existing report, go to Resource and Manage added data sources in the menu.

You'll add a new data source and will choose the same connector, Instagram Public Data by Porter Metrics.

Once there, instead of Profile search, we'll choose Hashtag search.

This time, you can list the hashtag without the symbol (#) and separate them by commas.

As a report type, you can choose recent posts or Top posts.

The recent posts will show the 50 latest posts published with those hashtags; Top posts will show the posts with the most engagements.

Finish your connection and you'll finally be able to do Instagram competitive research and hashtag tracking on Google Data Studio.

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