How to connect Mailchimp to Google Data Studio with Porter

Learn to automate your Mailchimp e-mail marketing reporting on Google Data Studio in a few clicks.

To connect Mailchimp to Data Studio, access the connector.

First, log in with your Google account, Make sure you log in with the same account you're currently using on Data Studio.

Then, click on Authorize and log in to your Mailchimp account.

Then, authorize the permissions required to use the connector.

You may have other Mailchimp accounts that you want to connect to Data Studio or go to Next: choose your Mailchimp account for creating the report right away.

Once you've connected your Mailchimp accounts to Porter, they will be displayed in the Select your Mailchimp account dropdown.

Finally, click on Connect and Create report.

You'll load a blank report if you connected Mailchimp from the Google Data Studio gallery; if you did it from our website, you'll load our default report template.

Happy reporting!

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