How do the 90-day timeframe referral time work

Understand how does the 90-day timeframe referral time works with Porter

Porter's timeframe to convert offer

Porter offers you a 90 days timeframe from the day of the reference for your referrals to convert to paying customers to attribute that conversion to you.

Here's how to become a Porter partner.

How does it work?

Whenever you share your affiliate link (or referral link) to someone and that person clicks on it, the referral link will redirect the person to Porter's homepage. At the same time, a cookie will be dropped in the computer or device the person is using.

The cookie will be valid for 90 days, so whenever the person finally buys a plan, the cookie will make it possible to identify it was you who referred that person and later assign the 20% lifetime commission.

The 90-days period will start counting as the referred person opens your referral link.

Become a partner now

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