How to set up a Facebook Ads report on Google Data Studio

Learn to connect your Facebook Ads data to automate your reports on Google Data Studio.

Here's how to make your 1st Facebook Ads report on Google Data Studio with Porter in 3 steps.

1) Authorize your connector

Authorize your Google account

After accessing the Facebook Ads connector, authorize your Google account on Data Studio.

Click the Authorize button:

Then select the account you will use in Google Data Studio:

Click the Allow button:

Authorize your Facebook Profile

Once you authorize with Google, you should also authorize with Facebook:

Then, you should log in with a Facebook profile with access to the ad accounts you will report:

Select your account, in this case, "Juan José":

Click the Continue button:

You should have admin, editor, or analyst permissions to connect the Facebook Ads accounts.

Porter Metrics only stores your ad accounts and Facebook profile to manage your subscriptions; we don’t store or share your business data with any third party.

You can check our privacy policy for more details.

Note: if mistakenly logged in with an incorrect account, you can disconnect your Facebook account and restart the process described before.

2) Configure your connector

Once you connect your Facebook profile, you should set up the connection with these parameters:

Ad accounts: choose one or more Facebook Ads accounts to bring to your report.

If you choose several accounts, the report will combine their data (i.e., it will bring the total ad spend from all the selected ad accounts).

Conversion window.

If you’re not familiar with conversion windows, we recommend the default 7 days click option.

We highly recommend checking these set up:

Reporting time: choose On conversion date.

By following these recommendations, your reports on Data Studio will be more likely to match the data on the Facebook Ads manager.

After you finish the setup, click the Connect button on the top-right corner of the page.

3) Load your report

You’ll see a list of the Facebook Ads connector's fields to Data Studio, then go to CREATE REPORT in the top-right corner of the page:

Finally, confirm the creation of your report by clicking the Create report button:

Our default report template will be automatically loaded:

If your report loads successfully, you’ll start a 14-day free trial for the Facebook Ads connector.

Now, try other connectors, too!

Once your trial is over, you may upgrade your Porter plan.

Additional resources:

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