How to generate and edit my invoices

This guide will show you how to generate and change your invoices

After you make the payment, you will get an invoice in your email.

Heads up: the invoice will be generated with the data you provided when purchasing; we can't do any changes after the invoice is created.

How to find your invoices

Go to your Porter account.

Make sure to log in with the same email you used to make the purchase.

Click on the "user" icon

Then "billing"

Click " invoices and billing info" green button

Scroll down until you see Invoice History. Then click on the open/expand icon.

Then, download the invoice or receipt for every selected month.

Still confused?

Don't do it your own

Do it guided by us

How to change the information for future invoices

Remember, we can't change the information of an invoice that was already generated, but you can change it for future ones.

Click on the "user" icon

Then "billing"

Click " invoices and billing info" green button

Scroll down until you see Shiping and billing info. Then click on the Update billing info.

If you can't find your country, leave the country as the US by default and write down a random 9-digit tax ID so Stripe, our payment gateway provider, lets you save your changes.

And save. You will see the changes reflected on your next invoices.

Don't do it your own

Do it guided by us

If your company is from LATAM and need to add specific information to your invoice, please email us at with the following information:

  • First name

  • Last name

  • Email (associated with your Porter license)

  • Company name

  • Tax number

  • Address

  • Phone number

We'll reply in the next 24 hours.

Additional resources:

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