I see a discrepancy on my Facebook Ads reports

Follow these steps to solve inconsistencies between the data reported on Data Studio and the Facebook Ads Manager.

If you see inconsistencies between the data reported on Data Studio and the Facebook Ads Manager, There are a few reasons why this could be happening:

1. The conversion window is different

One of the main reasons you can see discrepancies on your Google Data Studio reports is that the conversion window is usually different on both platforms (Facebook Ads Manager and Google Data Studio).

In this way, you need to verify that you have set up the same conversion windows in Ads Manager and your report in Google Data Studio so that the data can match.

Suppose you see that the custom and standard conversions reported on Google Data Studio are different from what is shown on Facebook Ads. In that case, you need to consider that while the business manager supports different conversion windows, you can report with just one of them on Data studio.

We encourage you to set the conversion window to 7 days click. But it must be the same as in your business manager.

You can follow the next steps to edit your conversion window on Google Data Studio reports:

  • Go to "Resources".

  • Click on "Managed added data sources".

  • Click on "Edit" to edit your data source.

  • Click on "Edit connection".

On the connection configurations, please choose the following options:

  • Conversion window, we recommend 7 days click, but It must be the same as in your business manager.

  • Report time as On conversion date

Finally, click on "Reconnect", then "Apply", and "Done".

Now check that this conversion window is the same that you work with on your Facebook business.

Note: If you don’t know how to check what is your conversion window on Facebook Ads Manager, you can go to Ads Manager, choose your account and then check in the campaigns menu the column “Attribution setting

Finally, you need to consider that once you have created your campaigns on Facebook Ads, you cannot change the conversion window.

2. There's a problem with the attribution setting

If you are working with different campings on Facebook Ads, each with a different conversion window, you need to disable the unified attribution setting.

To do this, you can follow the next steps:

  • Go to "Resources".

  • Click on "Managed added data sources".

  • Click on "Edit" to edit your data source.

Click on "Edit connection".

Edit connection on Google Data Studio

Scroll down and click on "Disable unified attribution setting" and finally, click on "Reconnect".

In this way, if you have a campaign on Facebook Ads with a 7 days conversion window, and another one with 28 days conversion window, there will be no inconsistency with campaigns that do not have the same conversion window (7 days) that you previously configured in Google Data Studio.

What to do if still, see the problem?

If you still have this problem, We need that you share your report with support@portermetrics.com with access to edit, the page where you have the problem. and the connector you want to use.

Please share a screenshot of your business manager where we can visualize the right value, a range of dates, and the conversion window.

Additional resources:

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