How to make an upgrade, downgrade or Switching to an annual plan or add connectors

In this guide, we will explain how to add connectors make an Upgrade, Downgrade or change your plan for annual billing.

To make any of this process. First, sign in with your email account.

Go to click on Sign in.

How to add more connectors to your current plan:

Go and click directly to the "upgrade/downgrade" Blue Button:

Check the license you want to modify.

We'll take you to a form (the color may change, depending on your payment option).

How to make an upgrade:

Once in the form, enter the email address associated with your license and the plan you have active.

Select what you want to do with your account:

  • Wanna upgrade?

  • Downgrade?

  • Add connectors?

  • Remove connectors?

Select what suits your needs!

Remember to letting us know how many new connectors you want to ADD/REMOVE to your plan.

Here you can check and understand the pricing.

You can choose between upgrading to an annual and having two months off, 16% less,

or keeping the monthly payment.

For instance, if you pay $30/mo., you'd switch to $300 a year. Or, you can keep a

monthly plan.

Then confirm the procedure clicking on the "submit" green button

We'll take 24 hours to make your upgrade, if you have any questions feel free to reach

out to our chat 💬 or send an email to

How to make a downgrade or upgrade:

This procedure is even easier! Follow this guided flow ;))

Upgrade/Downgrade guide

Add connectors guide

Additional resources:

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