You don't have source slots available

Learn to fix your Data Studio reports when the error message is "You don't have source slots available".

This article is part of our guide to fixing Google Data Studio reports.

If you see this error, you have two possibilities:

1. You require an upgrade

Probably Porter plan is running out of connections, then you will see this error message:

It means that you're connecting more to Google Data Studio than allowed on your current Porter plan.

Upgrading is recommended. Remember that you can buy more connections for your plan. Check out how to upgrade.

But what if I dont want to get more connectors or upgrade? if this is your case then,

2. You need to delete a connection that you are not using anymore

  1. When you are no longer in need of a connection or you just want to erase it, it isn't enough to simply delete the data source in Google Data Studio. You must go to your Porter account and log in with Google.

  1. You can see all the apps you've connected to Porter Metrics in your Sources space.

  2. You'll see a list of what you have connected so far. To delete them, simply click the paper bin.

  1. You can delete all your accounts, with just one click, we believe this is the best way.

I wanna do this process guided

Remember: after we've updated your Porter plan's accounts, You should only open the reports with the accounts you want to keep working with.

If you open a report, associated with a connection you want to delete, They will reconnect, and you need to make this process again.

What to do if the problem persists?

  1. If the problem persists, check the emails which have access to edit your report, You can do that by going to Share

  2. Click in Manage access, and verify that all the emails with access to edit are associated with your license.

  3. If one of those users isn't part of the main license, the person who is the owner of the license should add them. Here is an article to guide you on this process.

Can I delete app sources if I am not the admin of the license?

Yes, You can.

  1. But first, you should go to the company with a paid license.

  2. You'll most likely go to your company once you've logged in (or email)

  3. To change this, click on 👤 on the left-down corner.

  4. Clicking on the dropdown, you can select the license you want to make changes with:

  5. Now you are navigating your company's workspace.

  6. Once you select the right license, each modification you see will be reflected in all the team's workspace.

What to do if your problem persists?

If the problem persists, please share your report with with access to edit, the report page where you have the problem, the link to the report, and the connector you are using.

All this information to the email with the subject: "Slots problem"


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