How to refresh fields of your reports

In this guide we'll explain how to refresh the fields step by step, this is the best way to

Go to

Open your report in Google Data Studio :

Go to Edit, on your Data Studio report. You must be the owner to modify the data sources; otherwise, you will be unable to do so.

Click on Resource, and click on select Manage Added Data Sources from the drop-down menu.

Then you'll proceed to this page, where if you're not the report's owner, modify will appear in grey.

Click on edit the connection you have created.

If you changed the names of the fields because, for example, you wanted to display them in a different language, your changes will remain, and the updates will work anyways.

Click on Refresh fields.

If you've just completed an update and need to refresh fields but there aren't any new ones, it will display the following message:

This should fix the problem 🚀

How to get more help?

If none of these steps help you to refresh your Data Studio reports, chat with our support team, send an email to

or schedule a call here.

Please share your report with with access to edit, the page where you have the problem. and the connector you are using.

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