Frequently Asked Questions

Everything you need to know so you can report like a pro.

What should I do if my reports are broken?

Often, Google Data Studio charts break and show an error, like below:

The first thing you should always do is click on See details to read the error message. Based on such a message we proceed with the next steps:

If you don't find those errors here is an article that may help.

If none of these error messages help you solve your problems with your Data Studio reports, chat with our support team or schedule a call here.

What should I do if I see an inconsistency with my data?

You may see that the custom and standard conversions reported on Google Data Studio are different from what is shown on Facebook Ads.

Chances are the conversion window reported is different.

We will encourage you to review this article

If the problem persists, email explaining the case with a screenshot of your business manager where we can visualize the right value of the metric, a range of dates, and the conversion window you handle.

Plus share your report with us at with access to edit and the page where you have the problem. We will back to you within 24 hours.

Can I check if it is possible to transfer my account to a different email login?

Yes, it is possible!

Please email, with the request "change owner license ". We need the current email and the email you want instead.

How many dashboards can I create?

We charge by connections, so you can create as many dashboards as you want, as long as you keep the slots available on your plan.

What a connection means?

You pay for connections, not for data sources.

A connection corresponds to every single Facebook Ad account, Facebook page, or Instagram Business page you would like to connect to Google Data Studio.

If you want to create reports for four (4) Facebook Ads accounts, those would be 1 data source and 4 connections, for instance.

I was added as a user, but I still have emailed about my trials?

We run different campaigns when you create a trial, so if you still get those emails after you are part of a license, just ignore them.

What does reset my source accounts mean?

On our new interface, you are able to reset your accounts that mean if you see this error:

You can reset the accounts as we show in this article,

Reset your accounts means you can delete data sources that you are not using and let those that you are working with, The connections that you need will reconnect automatically once you open the reports that you need.

Can I create Facebook and Google Ads information in one dashboard?

Yes, We have a lot of templates ready for that here.

How fast does data refresh?

We bring the data as fast as Facebook provides it on its API. Data refreshes automatically every 6 hours, but if you need an updated look, just refresh your reports, and we will bring the new data.

Please consider that every time you pull data, you are queering for data rows, which will produce your dashboards that may appear as broken due to the lack of tokens available on the API.

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