I don't see my accounts

What to do when you can't find the accounts/profiles you want to report on your Data Studio reports

You'll be able to display (and report) the accounts/profiles you authorized to connect to Data Studio.

When you don't see an account/profile listed, it may be because a) your profile doesn't have access to it or b) you didn't authorize Porter to access it when you did the connection.

As an example, if you connect your Facebook profile to connect certain Facebook pages, check if such a Facebook profile has access to the Facebook page, and then if you authorized Porter to connect to it.

If the concept of "app account" is still not clear, we encourage you to read about how our pricing works.

To solve it, here are the guides to help you through the process to find all the accounts for each connector.

How to get more help?

If the problem persists, reach out to our support via live chat, email us at support@portermetrics.com, or schedule a call.

Here is a guide about what you need before you report a problem.

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